Synthetic Wigs


Understanding the differences between human hair wigs and synthetic wigs is a good starting point for selecting the perfect wig. Choosing between human hair and synthetic hair is a value based decision you will make when selecting a wig. Our Invisible Wigs are made from real human hair so they look, feel and act just like your own hair.
Synthetic wigs are created from man-made fibers using technology to give the overall appearance and feel of real hair.

How do Synthetic Wigs compare to Human Hair wigs?

Well, synthetic wigs are easy to take care of, you simply wash, dry and wear! They are much cheaper than human hair wigs and generally low maintenance. However they are not as natural looking as human hair and with a lifespan of only a few months, they do not last as long as our human hair wigs. We introduced our Synthetic wigs as an affordable alternative for customers who wished to change their look instantly without the commitment.
Unlike regular synthetic wigs, our heat resistant wigs can withstand heated styling tools at moderate temperature without damaging the fibers. If you’re looking for a natural synthetic wig with a realistic hairline – then this is the perfect for you. We use a sheer universal lace which blends well with most skin tones. However, if you are after a real human hair wig – please check our vanaxeldongenwigs satisfactory wig collection.