The Evolution of Wigs

The Evolution of Wigs from To Fashion Accessories

For a long time, people have worn wigs for various reasons. Wigs were quite popular in ancient Egypt, according to historical records but today they have a life of their own. Take a ride with us to the 3400s to see how they evolved.

Egyptians and Wigs

In 3400 BC, Egyptians wore wigs to protect themselves from the sun’s scorching heat. Famous wigmakers began working around 3400 B.C. to produce masterpieces out of animal hair, wool, vegetable fibres, and even human hair. The wigs were not just for cosmetic purposes, but they also protected Egyptians’ heads from the sun and kept their hair free of lice.
The infamous Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC houses some of the world’s oldest wigs, dated from 1479 to 1425 B.C. These were from the reign of Thutmose III.
People used wigs to shield their skin and hair from the scorching sun at first, but wigs quickly became a style choice among Egypt’s affluent. Wigs were also worn as a new fad by ancient societies such as the Greeks and even the Romans.

Wigs and the 17th Century

However, with time, there was an evolution noted in how wigs were adapted worldwide. By the time the 17th Century came around, wigs had used to be the epitome of elegance and would be necessary for many people to complete their final look. From French kings to scholars, everyone could be seen boasting false hairpieces that would hide their thinning hair.

What’s more, in this era, the wigs worn were more on the heavier side. People would opt to get the full-bottomed wigs to wear at formal events, and these would be sold at a higher rate. On the days when they would be at home or relaxing, they would opt to wear the less extravagant and smaller wigs.
Furthermore, back in the day, wigs used to be pretty expensive, and it was hard for the lower class to get their hands on one. In such cases, they used to style their natural hair so that it would resemble a wig!

Another big style in this era was the whitened wig, which was quite fashionable. Hairdressers devised methods for powdering wigs and bejewelling females’ wigs to offer them an even more abundant appearance.

18th Century and the Queen's Wig

Men used to put on huge, whitened powdered wigs in the 18th Century, while ladies wore less ornate hair pieces. The female population of the French court of Versailles, on the other hand, were an exception to the norm. Their magnificent wigs made them renowned. Horse, goat, and human hair were frequently used in Georgian wigs.

One famous individual was the queen of France, Marie Antoinette, who wore an enormous human hair wig that became an unforgettable emblem of French haute couture.

19th Century and the Changes In the Fashion of Wigs

Men began to wear their hair again around the turn of the nineteenth century, and facial hair became fashionable once more.

Carita, a hairstylist, began creating wigs for Givenchy models for a fashion presentation in 1915. Wigs began to reappear because it was quicker to replace a wig with a new hair style than to trim your hair every day. They became less expensive and more accessible due to the usage of synthetic materials.

This was also when the fun and entertaining versions of wigs started coming forward. The hype was so real that even major brand names were creating these, and the best performers in the industry used to wear them. From long hair to voluminous manes, the fashion was there to say. The eccentric 90s brought the initiation of wigs rich in colors, i., red, blonde and even blue at times! Some of the most famous designs and styles of this era were frizettes, fronts, fringes, pompadour rolls and even switches!

20th Century, Where the Wigs Took a Life of Their Own

From the 2000s, many changes were seen all over the world; however, the industry for wigs is one that witnessed magical changes from basic wigs to intricate ones. This is the era in which various high-caliber technological instruments and methods are being utilized to create no less than magic wigs. Back in the day, wigs were used as an accessory, and while they were very stylish, the wigs would never be made so that they would resemble real hair.

However, today, experts are creating state-of-the-art wigs that come with hairlines that would fool you and me as to whether they are real or fake. From intricate procedures for installation to the various advantages that come with closures and wig caps, these accessories started to have accessories of their own!

21st Century Look at Wigs

Wigs have developed in the twenty-first Century, providing consumers with many possibilities. There is a lot to pick from in terms of designs and colours.

Women mostly wear wigs as statement pieces. They are used by men to conceal balding and to treat thinning hair. Hairstyle wigs for baldness are non-invasive and can be worn by almost anyone. There are hair wig integration procedures and technology that provide excellent results in the treatment of baldness and make a statement in the fashion world.