Medical Prothese

Hair loss is an annoyance that women often have to deal with these days. How is that possible? Hair loss can have multiple causes, for example illness, use of medication or hereditary factors. The most common types of hair loss are Alopecia Areata, Androgenetic Alopecia and Chemotherapy. We know how to find a solution for every form of hair loss. Without any exception!


  • hair loss
  • Androgenetic Alopecia
  • Alopecia Areata
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hair loss from scars and burns
  • Radiotherapy & Trichotillomania
  • Temporary Hair Loss
  • Transsexual & Transgender

Reimbursements health insurer

When purchasing a hairpiece, it is important to check what reimbursement your health insurance offers.
Various health insurers have a basic reimbursement for hair works. If you have additional insurance, you may be eligible for an additional reimbursement for a hairpiece. This can significantly reduce the personal contribution to a hairpiece. The amount of this varies per insurer and depends on the supplementary insurance you have taken out.
The reimbursements for hairpieces can be found in the insurance conditions under ‘Additions – Aids’.
Administrative settlement

Vanaxeldongenwigs takes care of the administrative settlement with your health insurance. We provide contracted care. This means that we declare your reimbursement directly from the health insurance.
In addition to the reimbursement from your health insurer, the Tax and Customs Administration also has income-related schemes for medical expenses. You can often also claim back an amount.
Personal calculation

Do you want to know what compensation you can count on?
Then email or call us and we will make a personal calculation for you.