Jewish /Kosher Microscopic Lace Wigs


Jewish wigs are an obvious choice for Jewish women who need a wig, no matter the reason. Choosing a kosher wig is important. We understand that it is important to you that your Jewish wigs should not only fit well and cover your existing hair, but to also look gorgeous and feel comfortable to wear. Our customer service staff understands your desire for a seamless blend of lifestyle, convenience, comfort and fashion all while respecting Jewish traditions. That is why vanaxeldongenwigs offers the finest hand tied quality and a custom style so you get a wig that not only looks great but can be styled just like your own natural growing hair.

Many modern Orthodox Jewish women are continuing the tradition of covering their hair with wig toppers after marriage. The wigs they use are called a “Sheitel” which in Yiddish is a wig or half-wig. But why do Jewish women wear wigs in the first place?

The reason for this is to conform with the requirement of Jewish biblical law to cover their hair after they are married. They are not only signalling to others as well as providing a constant reminder to themselves that they are married by wearing a Kosher wig, but they are also attaining modesty in the process. Today, many wigs used by Jewish women come with a hechsher (kosher certification) in order to ensure that the hair on the wigs do not originate from rituals deemed to be idolatrous. This is after it was revealed in 2004 that the hair from a number of Sheitel wigs came from Hindu women during a religious purification ceremony which is against Jewish biblical law.